Over/Under Eating: Consider seeking help if you answer “yes” to any of the following questions…
Do you use food as a source of comfort even when you are not hungry?
Do you at some point gain weight even when dieting?
Do you prefer to eat alone?
Do you find it difficult to moderate certain foods once you have started eating them?
Do you rigidly restrict your choice of food?
Do you use the excuse that you have already eaten to avoid mealtimes?
Do you, or have you ever had a habit of weighing yourself at least three times a week?
Do you, or have you ever purged, or used diet pills or laxatives to control your weight?
Do you exercise with the motivation to burn calories rather than to keep healthy/fit?
Do you overeat or under-eat despite the concerns of others?
Call today for a confidential chat and professional assessment if you feel you may have a problem with over/under eating 0779 646 4045
Alternatively, you may prefer to ring Overeaters Anonymous (UK) Helpline number: 07000 784985 (calls charged at local rate)